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Katie Shanahan Gets A GyPSy System
Irish social media star Katie Shanahan pictured here receiving her new GyPsy Tractor Guidance System from John Cal Kelleher founder of GyPSy Technologies. Amassing over 100k followers on TikTok, Katie has been raking in the views, likes and comments as she shares her daily life on a little farm in West Cork.
Obsessed with country life, 26 year-old Katie Shanahan has attracted a huge amount of TikTok attention as she shows the ins and outs of agri life, helping out on her Dad Raymond’s sheep and cattle farm.
The Leap woman has even received comments from well-known Irish model and former Miss Universe Ireland Roz Purcell who said Katie’s content reminds her of fond times from her own rural childhood.
We are delighted to partnering with Katie on this exciting new project and can’t wait to see how she gets on with her GyPSy guidance system.
Interview With ISCG
GyPSy founder John Cal was recently interviewed by ISCG to discuss the formation of GyPSy technologies and how such agri-tech innovation was supported by UCC’s Ignite Programme. ISCG is the Irish Student Consulting Group and John Cal was delighted to chat with them about all things Agri Tech and GyPSy technologies.